Upcycling an old lamp base to match your new gathered shade.

Upcycling an old lamp base to match your new gathered shade.

After treating yourself to a gorgeous new gathered shade, you may find that you’d like a new base to go with it. However, in a time when the circular economy, upcycling and antiquing are back in full swing, why not try working with an updated version of what you already have before heading to the shops to replace your base?

Depending on the type of base you have, a fresh coat of paint may be all that is needed. White will always be in style and is a colour that will match all Pip & Haze shades, but you shouldn’t disregard colour even if it means intentionally clashing with the colours in your new shade. Metallic paints can also be used to feign the look of a brass base, even if yours is not made from metal.

If your base is ceramic, marble or finished with something like raffia or fabric, painting may still be an option, but you should be sure to research the best types of paints for the surface to ensure even and lasting coverage.

Where paint cannot be used, it’s time to get handy with the glue gun! Beads, shells and even rope can be glued to an existing base to completely shake up the look and give you a completely new product that you can be proud of.

If you don’t have an old base to renovate places like Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace are flooded with household items people are looking to swap, sell or even give away for free. Auction houses, goodwill stores and antique shops are some other places to look before buying brand new. Any time you buy a pre-loved lamp base you should be sure to test it at an electrical point to ensure the wiring is still intact.

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